
In so many ways, life is all about people.

Here is how you can build relationships that will help you learn and grow at Pleasant Valley Church.

Life Groups

At Pleasant Valley Church we encourage everyone to dig deeper into God’s Word to strengthen their relationship with God one another. In order to help everyone accomplish this, we have formed Life Groups, small Bible study groups which meet usually every other week to pray together, share together, learn from each other and help each other grow.

For more information on Life Groups, or to find out when and where there is one taking place, please contact the church office.

Alternate Sundays, Mondays, and Thursdays

Children’s Ministry

Our children’s ministry up and running!  Staffed with qualified, screened workers, each Sunday there is something for kids!  During the service, children are released to their special class!

Prayer Ministry

Our purpose is to help each other and others through prayer and support. Join our mailing list and submit prayer requests so we can uphold one another in prayer.

Worship Ministry

Worship with us on Sunday mornings! Worship is loving God back.  We love God back in our Services through singing, our offerings, and ultimately our life and obedience.

Jr. High Youth Ministry

The Jr. High youth ministry of Pleasant Valley Church is for youth from grades 5-8.  We meet most Fridays at the Building from 7-9pm.


Once a month, our folk aged 55+ meet for games and connection.


33 Diana Ave., Brantford (Salvation Army Building)

Services on Sundays from 9-10am.

Livestreamed services  start at 8:50am on our YouTube channel.



Facebook @PVCCBrantford

YouTube @pleasantvalleychurchbrantford

Instagram @pvccbrantford

Mailing Address

Pleasant Valley Church
PO Box 25005 West Brant
Brantford, Ont.
N3T 6K5